"Helping People Help Themselves"

Hippocrates Health Institute was created over five decades ago to provide people with education about disease prevention, and the positive effects of a living foods diet. It is a birthright to live a healthy, happy life. Modern lifestyle choices have prevented many from achieving this goal. Hippocrates Health Institute strives to change this. The Hippocrates Health Institute philosophy is dedicated to the belief that a vegan, pure enzyme-rich diet, complemented by positive thinking and non-invasive therapies, are essential elements on the path to optimum health. For half of a century, Hippocrates Health Institute has provided the knowledge necessary to help people to heal themselves. HHI welcomes people from all walks of life, from those battling disease, to those looking to energize their lives. Originally founded in Boston, Massachusetts by Ann Wigmore, HHI’s campus is now located in beautiful West Palm Beach, FL. Currently directed by Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement, the work of the founders expands and flourishes. Natural approaches to healthcare have begun to receive international recognition as science has proven the positive effects of wheatgrass and a raw, living-foods diet. Hippocrates Health Institute is the right choice for those looking to achieve a vibrant state of well-being.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just released!! Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement's new book, Killer Clothes

Killer Clothes

Over the past several decades, Hippocrates Health Institute has been researching things that endanger human health. There is danger lurking in something that people touch every day, but give little thought to -- their clothing.

An estimated 8,000 chemicals are employed to transform raw materials into clothes, according to The Ecologist magazine. This process involves bleaching, dyeing, scouring, sizing and finishing the fabrics.

Synthetic clothing now commonly contains such toxins as formaldehyde, brominated flame retardants, and perfluorinated chemicals like Teflon fibers to give trousers, skirts and other apparel "non-iron" and "non-wrinkle" durability. Perfluorinated compounds, it should be pointed out, are classified as cancer-causing agents under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.

Important things to know about clothing:

• BRAS: There are strong correlations between the use of bras and breast lumps or cysts, which are thought to be precursors to breast cancer. Evidence showing a link between bras and breast cancer emerged in 1991 from a study of breast size and breast cancer risk by researchers in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. Published in the European Journal of Cancer, this survey of thousands of women found that, “Premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared to bra users.”

• SYNTHETIC CLOTHING: Studies show that synthetic undergarments can warp male sexuality and diminish fertility. Synthetic clothing also poses dangers regarding fire safety. So much so that the commanding general of the Marines in Iraq ordered his troops in 2006 to stop wearing synthetic fabrics any time they went off-base. Medical studies also show that synthetic fibers, conventionally used for athletic clothing, actually inhibit athletic performance. This is because the electrostatic field emission from the clothing affects muscle fibers in the body. Synthetic materials also "off-gas" from the day they're made until the day they're thrown away. They release minute amounts of chemicals that are absorbed through the skin and lungs. These toxic fumes can cause cancer and neurological disorders.

• COTTON (nonorganic): 25% of all the pesticides used on our planet are sprayed onto cotton crops. For this reason, people should always choose organic cotton or other organic natural fibers.

• "EASY CARE" CLOTHING: No-iron or stain resistant shirts and pants are often sprayed with formaldehyde. While many other countries enforce strict regulations regarding formaldehyde, the United States only enforces "voluntary" standards, with no levels or limits stated.

• LAUNDRY'S DIRTY SECRET: An analysis of laundry wastewater, both industrial and from public laundromats, performed a few years ago by the Environmental Working Group, detected a range of hormone-disrupting contaminants being released. Phthalates, used to stabilize fragrances, are hormone disruptive chemicals commonly added to detergents and other cleaning products.

• FIRE RETARDANT: Many nations require infant's clothing to be sprayed with flame retardant chemicals. This is among the deadliest clothing treatments and is directly linked with tumor growth and mental illness. Of course, babies are the most sensitive to these kind of toxic materials.

The best immediate changes one can make:

• Buy only natural fiber clothing as you buy new clothes, especially for your children and babies. Good options are cotton, flax, hemp, silk, wool and linen. Less common fiber options include alpaca, angora, camel, cashmere, mohair, ramie and saluyot.

• Buy only organic clothing when possible, certainly organic undergarments, since the reproductive organs are among the areas most sensitive to toxins.

• Steer clear of "Easy Care" and flame retardant clothing.

• Start getting rid of synthetic clothing you've accumulated.

Killer Clothes! How Seemingly Innocent Clothing Choices Endanger Your Health…and how to protect yourself reveals in unprecedented detail the toxic truth about the clothes we wear and the surprising number of harmful effects on health caused by garments once considered safe. This is a well-documented exposé that the clothing and chemical industries would rather you never learned about.

From toxic chemicals like formaldehyde and phthalates to insecticides, flame retardants, and nano-particles, synthetic clothing today contains a toxic stew of dozens of substances that pose a threat to both human and environmental health. In this book you will discover which fabrics and clothes contribute to breast cancer, infertility, and a range of diseases, and which garments are safe to wear, all based on medical science studies brought together for the first time in one place, important findings which have, for too long, been hidden from public awareness.

Co-authors Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement are Co-Directors of the internationally known Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. These two physicians created wellness and disease prevention programs followed by more than 300,000 people who have spent a week or more at the Institute. They have authored a dozen previous books on natural health antidotes to illness and disease.

Killer Clothes is now available in the Hippocrates store. Call (561) 471-8876, ext. 171 or visit www.HippocratesInstitute.org to get your copy today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hippocrates Health Academy- Is becoming a Health Educator the right path for you?

** This Sunday Feb 20th is the start of this year's Spring Health Educator Course**

After spending three weeks here at Hippocrates Health Institute, many guests find a special bond with HHI. Some come back for another stay, some go on to build their own natural health based businesses and others come back to become certified as a Hippocrates Health Educator. Directed by Katharine Clark, the Hippocrates Health Educator program helps you focus on you while providing the tools to find your niche and live your love in service to yourself, others and our higher power.

The Health Educator program is a 9-week program. During the first three weeks, Health Educators attend our signature Life Change Program. These first three weeks allow the Health Ed to see Hippocrates Health Institute through the guests’ eyes. They see firsthand the struggles and triumphs our guests go through every day. This creates a deepened sense for others and themselves. There is an educational aspect to these three weeks as well, providing the base for the last six weeks Health Educators will spend learning the raw facts. Health Educators will be expected to complete assigned reading, studying, and project work. At the end of the nine weeks, each Health Ed is expected to submit an outline of what they will accomplish after leaving HHI. Completing all 9 weeks at once is recommended, though not required. If you have recently completed the 3-week Life Change Program, it is possible to come into the Health Educator program at the 6-week start date.

During a Health Educator’s stay with Hippocrates, they will attend many lectures, including many guest speakers. The following is a partial list containing some of the modalities and disciplines you will be exposed to during your stay:

• Iridology
• Neuro-Linguistic Programming
• Living Food and Enzyme Nutrition
• Detoxification
• Juice Fasting
• Live Blood Cell Analysis
• Applied Kinesiology
• Meditation
• Chi Gong
• Creating Balance
• Consciousness Development
• Sprouting your own business
• Growing wheatgrass, working in the greenhouse
• Energy Medicine
• Living/Raw Food Preparation
• Complementary Therapies
• Art Therapy

For more information please contact The Hippocrates Health Academy Director, Katharine Clark by calling 561-471-8876 ext 206

 or email: KClark@hippocratesinst.org

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dr. Brian Clement Speaking Feb 23

You are personally invited to join several world-class presenters for a unique and very exciting FREE teleseminar series.

Starting Tuesday, February 22, Dr. Brian Clement will be sharing a wellspring of life-changing information and cutting edge transformational tools that will leave you with a viable, personal roadmap back to a completely healthy life.

Hosted by Shifra Hendrie, spiritual life coach and teacher of Authentic Kabbalah, this event will help you create a profound shift in the way you experience your life and the way that life responds to you. It will help you reveal and activate powerful core healing energies from your soul... so that you can experience a vibrantly healthy body... a clear, inspired mind... a profound sense of peace and well-being... and an empowered, illuminated life.
Prepare to meet expert mentors and healers when you register for this FREE event:

Dr. Brian Clement will be speaking Wednesday, February 23, at 9:00 pm EST about how you can transform your health from the inside out.

This extraordinary event begins Tuesday, February 22, at 9 pm EST.  See link below to register.

Foods That Heal

Are you getting the Nutrients you need? Many people rest assured taking a multi-vitamin, believing that they are getting all the nutrients they need. Nearly all supplements sold in the United States are synthetics created in pharmaceutical industry labs. As a result, they can be toxic to your health and difficult to breakdown. Synthetic vitamins are a “one size fits all”. Each individual is metabolically and biochemically unique, therefore micronutrient requirements can vary greatly. Factors such as aging, chronic illness and lifestyle can cause or effect nutrient deficiencies. Luckily, there are foods that will provide you with the nutrients that you assume you’re getting out of a synthetic multi-vitamin. So, instead of all those synthetics going down your throat, let’s fill our bodies with foods that heal.